Referenca: 2804

Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (ebook falas)

"Historia e gruas së fotografit” është emri me të cilin e njohin të gjithë, ato pak herë që e përdorin, por, në të vërtetë, ajo është edhe historia e vetë fotografit, ose më saktë, është historia e teorisë së tij mbi rëndësinë e gjërave të vogla.
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Referenca: SKU000001

Botuesi: Mitrush Kuteli

Tregime të moçme shqiptare, Mitrush Kuteli

Përrallat e treguara nga Mitrush Kuteli përbëjnë pjesën më të rëndësishme të letërsisë shqiptare, një frymëzim për një numër të madh veprash të tjera letrare që pasuan përgjatë dekadave. Tregime të Moçme Shqiptare përbën një klasik të të gjitha kohërave.
630 Lekë 700 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU001740

Botuesi: UET Press

Enver Hoxha, Blendi Fevziu

Për shumë vite me radhë Enver Hoxha i imponoi historisë versionin e tij. Ai rezulton i paturpshëm për t'i transformuar ngjarjet, për t'i fshirë ose zhdukur personazhet dhe për të ngritur në histori një protagonist të vetëm: atë vetë.
1 350 Lekë 1 500 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU000660

Botuesi: Onufri

Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
900 Lekë 1 000 Lekë
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Të gjithë artikujt më të shitur
  • Çmim i zbritur
Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne
  • Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne

Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne

In Verne’s science-fiction classic, Professor Lidenbrock chances upon an ancient manuscript and pledges to solve the mysterious coded message that lies within it. Eventually he deciphers the story – that of an Icelandic explorer who travels to the centre of the earth, finding his way there via a volcano.

375 Lekë
338 Lekë Ruaj 10%
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Titulli: Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Origjinali: Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Gjinia: Roman

Autori: Jules Verne

Shtëpia botuese: Collins Classics

Viti: 2010


Pesha: 0.162 kg

ISBN: 978-0-00-737237-9

Ky libër është në gjuhën angleze

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Udhëzues i shkurtër mbi procesin e porositjes së librave nëpërmjet faqes tonë.

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16 libra të tjera në këtë kategori:

Botuesi: Collins Classics

Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

As he tries to free himself from their clutches he becomes immersed in the seedy underbelly of the Capital, amongst criminals, prostitutes and the homeless. Dickens scathing attack on the cruelness of Victorian Society features some of his most memorable and enduring characters, including innocent Oliver himself, the Artful Dodger, Fagin, Bill Sikes and...
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Agnes Grey, Anne Bronte

his is a deeply personal novel written from the author's own experience and as such Agnes Grey has a power and poignancy which mark it out as a landmark work of literature dealing with the social and moral evolution of English society during the last century.
540 Lekë 600 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Women in love, D.H. Lawrence

Ursula's relationship with Rupert Birkin, an introspective and misanthropic school inspector, is contrasted with that of Gudrun and Gerald Crich, an overbearing industrialist. Set in a coal-mining town in the English Midlands, their stories explore the disastrous effects of industrialization on the psyche and suggest that rebirth can be achieved only...
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Arabian Nights

Featuring tales about love, history, tragedy and comedy as well as fables and fairy tales, this edition remains a well-loved collection of exotic and evocative stories. Fantastical and curious customs are bought to life by Burton’s translation in stories such as ‘The Lovers of Bassorah’, ‘The Concubine of Al-Maamun’ and ‘The Hunchback’s Tale’.
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells

Griffin, a stranger, arrives at the local inn of an English village, entirely shrouded in bandages. Forbidding and unfriendly, he confines himself to his room. Driven away by the villagers and turning to an old friend for help, Griffin reveals that he has discovered how to make himself invisible, and plans to use his condition for treacherous ends.
338 Lekë 375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Arrow Books

A Moveable Feast, Ernest Hemingway

Featuring a personal Foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernest’s sole surviving son, and an Introduction by grandson of the author, Seán Hemingway, editor of this edition, the book also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son, Jack, and his first wife Hadley. Also included...
1 125 Lekë 1 250 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Nicholas Nickleby, Charles Dickens

Combining these with typically Dickensian elements of burlesque and farce, the novel is eminently suited to dramatic adaptation. So great was the impact as it left Dickens' pen that many pirated versions appeared in print before the original was even finished. 
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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Ndoshta mund të pëlqejë edhe

Botuesi: Collins Classics

Around the World in Eighty Days, Jules Verne

'Phileas Fogg was one of those mathematically exact people, who, never hurried and always ready, are economical of their steps and their motions. He never made one stride too many, always going by the shortest route. He did not give an idle look. He did not allow himself a superfluous gesture.'.
338 Lekë 375 Lekë
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