Referenca: 2804

Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (ebook falas)

"Historia e gruas së fotografit” është emri me të cilin e njohin të gjithë, ato pak herë që e përdorin, por, në të vërtetë, ajo është edhe historia e vetë fotografit, ose më saktë, është historia e teorisë së tij mbi rëndësinë e gjërave të vogla.
0 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU000001

Botuesi: Mitrush Kuteli

Tregime të moçme shqiptare, Mitrush Kuteli

Përrallat e treguara nga Mitrush Kuteli përbëjnë pjesën më të rëndësishme të letërsisë shqiptare, një frymëzim për një numër të madh veprash të tjera letrare që pasuan përgjatë dekadave. Tregime të Moçme Shqiptare përbën një klasik të të gjitha kohërave.
700 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU001740

Botuesi: UET Press

Enver Hoxha, Blendi Fevziu

Për shumë vite me radhë Enver Hoxha i imponoi historisë versionin e tij. Ai rezulton i paturpshëm për t'i transformuar ngjarjet, për t'i fshirë ose zhdukur personazhet dhe për të ngritur në histori një protagonist të vetëm: atë vetë.
1 050 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU000660

Botuesi: Onufri

Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
1 000 Lekë
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Të gjithë artikujt më të shitur
  • Ka mbaruar
The call of the wild, Jack London
  • The call of the wild, Jack London

The call of the wild, Jack London

Based on London's experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness and his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence, The Call of the Wild is a tale about unbreakable spirit and the fight for survival in the frozen Alaskan Klondike.

400 Lekë
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Titulli: The call of the wild

Origjinali: The call of the wild

Gjinia: Roman

Autori: Jack London

Shtëpia botuese: Collins Classics

Viti: 2011

Fq. 132

Pesha: 0.085 kg

ISBN: 978-0-00-742023-0

Ky libër është në gjuhën angleze

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Udhëzues i shkurtër mbi procesin e porositjes së librave nëpërmjet faqes tonë.

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16 libra të tjera në këtë kategori:

Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad

It explores the dilemmas of conscience, of moral isolation, of loyalty and betrayal confronting a sensitive individual whose romantic quest for an honourable ideal are tested to the limit.
600 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Silas Marner, George Eliot

Silas Marner is a tender and moving tale of sin and repentance set in a vanished rural world and holds the reader's attention until the last page as Eppie's bonds of affection for Silas are put to the test.
375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce

Autobiographical in tone, Joyce’s tale of Stephen Dedalus’ journey into adulthood explores the intellectual and moral development of an artist as he struggles to overcome the ingrained Catholic consciousness of his childhood – a family life governed by Irish history, religion and politics. 
450 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Prisoner of Zenda, Anthony Hope

 Rudolf must foil the plans of the king’s brother, Prince Michael, and when the king is kidnapped and taken to a castle in Zenda, Rudolf must overcome the plots of the prince’s mistress and his henchman in order to rescue him.
375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Othello, William Shakespeare

Dramatic and powerful in its scope, Othello explores the perils of suspicion and jealousy and the ensuing breakdown of relationships and disaster that can arise from such emotions. Othello, a revered soldier, secretly marries Desdemona, the daughter of a Venetian senator, but is led to believe that she has been unfaithful to him by his ensign, Iago,...
375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne

Regarded as the first real heroine of American fiction, it is Hester Prynne's strength of character that resonates with the reader when her harsh sentence is cast. It is in her refusal to reveal the identity of the father in the face of her accusers that Hawthorne champions his heroine and berates the weakness of Society for attacking the innocent.
400 Lekë
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Botuesi: Arrow Books

To Have and Have Not, Ernest Hemingway

To Have and Have Not is the dramatic story of Harry Morgan, an honest man who is forced into running contraband between Cuba and Key West as a means of keeping his crumbling family financially afloat. His adventures lead him into the world of the wealthy and dissipated yachtsmen who throng the region, and involve him in a strange and unlikely love affair.
1 310 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce

This novel is a highly autobiographical account of the adolescence of Stephen Dedalus, who reappears in Ulysses, and who comes to realize that before he can become a true artist, he must rid himself of the stultifying effects of the religion, politics and essential bigotry of his background in late 19th century Ireland.
600 Lekë
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Botuesi: Te tjere

Unë jam Malala, Malala Yousafzai

Kur talebanët morën kontrollin e luginës Suat në Pakistan, një vajzë ngriti zërin e saj. Malala Yousafzai refuzoi që ta bënin të heshtte dhe luftoi për të drejtën e saj për t'u arsimuar. Në tetor të vitit 2012, kur ishte pesëmbëdhjetë vjeç, Malala pothuaj e pagoi këtë gjë me jetën e saj.
1 200 Lekë
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Botuesi: Vintage

A tale of two cities, Charles Dickens

Their story, which encompasses violence, revenge, love and redemption, is grippingly played out against the backdrop of the terrifying brutality of the French Revolution.
500 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett

Neglected and uncherished, she is horribly lonely, until one day she discovers a walled garden in the grounds that has been kept locked for years. When Mary finds the key to the garden and shares it with two unlikely companions, she opens up a world of hope, and as the garden blooms, Mary and her friends begin to find a new joy in life.
375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Jules Verne

In Verne’s science-fiction classic, Professor Lidenbrock chances upon an ancient manuscript and pledges to solve the mysterious coded message that lies within it. Eventually he deciphers the story – that of an Icelandic explorer who travels to the centre of the earth, finding his way there via a volcano.
375 Lekë
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Botuesi: Arrow Books

A Moveable Feast, Ernest Hemingway

Featuring a personal Foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernest’s sole surviving son, and an Introduction by grandson of the author, Seán Hemingway, editor of this edition, the book also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son, Jack, and his first wife Hadley. Also included...
1 250 Lekë
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Botuesi: Vintage

A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway’s frank portrayal of the love between Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley, caught in the inexorable sweep of war, glows with an intensity unrivaled in modern literature, while his description of the German attack on Caporetto—of lines of fired men marching in the rain, hungry, weary, and demoralized—is one of the greatest moments in literary...
1 250 Lekë
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