Referenca: 2804

Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (ebook falas)

"Historia e gruas së fotografit” është emri me të cilin e njohin të gjithë, ato pak herë që e përdorin, por, në të vërtetë, ajo është edhe historia e vetë fotografit, ose më saktë, është historia e teorisë së tij mbi rëndësinë e gjërave të vogla.
0,00 CHF
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Referenca: SKU000001

Botuesi: Mitrush Kuteli

Tregime të moçme shqiptare, Mitrush Kuteli

Përrallat e treguara nga Mitrush Kuteli përbëjnë pjesën më të rëndësishme të letërsisë shqiptare, një frymëzim për një numër të madh veprash të tjera letrare që pasuan përgjatë dekadave. Tregime të Moçme Shqiptare përbën një klasik të të gjitha kohërave.
6,94 CHF
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Referenca: SKU001740

Botuesi: UET Press

Enver Hoxha, Blendi Fevziu

Për shumë vite me radhë Enver Hoxha i imponoi historisë versionin e tij. Ai rezulton i paturpshëm për t'i transformuar ngjarjet, për t'i fshirë ose zhdukur personazhet dhe për të ngritur në histori një protagonist të vetëm: atë vetë.
10,40 CHF
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Referenca: SKU000660

Botuesi: Onufri

Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
9,91 CHF
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Botuesi: Te tjere

Freud, Jonathan Lear

In this fully updated second edition, the author clearly introduces and assesses all of Freud's thought, focusing on those areas of philosophy on which Freud is acknowledged to have had a lasting impact.
27,75 CHF
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Botuesi: Vintage

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami

Toru Okada's cat has disappeared. His wife is growing more distant every day. Then there are the increasingly explicit telephone calls he has recently been receiving.
14,86 CHF
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Botuesi: Vintage

Wind / Pinball, Haruki Murakami

'If you're the sort of guy who raids the refrigerators of silent kitchens at three o'clock in the morning, you can only write accordingly.That's who I am.'
14,86 CHF
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Botuesi: Vintage

A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway’s frank portrayal of the love between Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley, caught in the inexorable sweep of war, glows with an intensity unrivaled in modern literature, while his description of the German attack on Caporetto—of lines of fired men marching in the rain, hungry, weary, and demoralized—is one of the greatest moments in literary...
12,39 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf

Woolf’s first novel is a haunting book, full of light and shadow. It takes Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose and their niece, Rachel, on a sea voyage from London to a resort on the South American coast. “It is a strange, tragic, inspired book whose scene is a South America not found on any map and reached by a boat which would not float on any sea, an America whose...
4,46 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

North and South, Elisabeth Gaskell

When Margaret Hale is uproted from Hampshire and moves to the industrial town of Milton in the North of England, her whole world changes. As her sympathy for the town’s mill workers grows, her sense of social injustice piques and she passionately fights their corner.  
3,72 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Walden and Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau

In 1845 Henry David Thoreau hiked into the Walden Woods and built a small hut, where he lived alone for the next two years. Thoreau wanted to prove that man could live entirely free from the society, and his experiment tested the limits of self-reliance while also immersing him in the lush of natural beauty of New England. The writings that resulted from...
3,96 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Piligrim’s Progress, John Bunyan

The Piligrim’s Progess tells the story of everyman hero Christian as he abandons his world - the City of Destruction – on a journey towards paradise and the Celestial City. As he travels, Christian must fight off the temptation of the Worldly Wise, the Vain and the Ignorant. His adventure takes him through the Slough of Despond, the Hill of Difficulty and...
3,96 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Iliad, Homer

The epic poem The Iliad begins nine years after the beginning of the Trojan War and describes the great warrior Achiles and the battkes and events that take place as he quarrels with the King Agamemnon.
3,72 CHF
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

The Odyssey, Homer

Complex and epic in its scope, Homer’s The Odyssey was written almost 3,000 years ago and it is considered to be the foundation stone upon which literary culture was built.
3,96 CHF
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