Referenca: 2804

Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (ebook falas)

"Historia e gruas së fotografit” është emri me të cilin e njohin të gjithë, ato pak herë që e përdorin, por, në të vërtetë, ajo është edhe historia e vetë fotografit, ose më saktë, është historia e teorisë së tij mbi rëndësinë e gjërave të vogla.
0 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU000001

Botuesi: Mitrush Kuteli

Tregime të moçme shqiptare, Mitrush Kuteli

Përrallat e treguara nga Mitrush Kuteli përbëjnë pjesën më të rëndësishme të letërsisë shqiptare, një frymëzim për një numër të madh veprash të tjera letrare që pasuan përgjatë dekadave. Tregime të Moçme Shqiptare përbën një klasik të të gjitha kohërave.
630 Lekë 700 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU001740

Botuesi: UET Press

Enver Hoxha, Blendi Fevziu

Për shumë vite me radhë Enver Hoxha i imponoi historisë versionin e tij. Ai rezulton i paturpshëm për t'i transformuar ngjarjet, për t'i fshirë ose zhdukur personazhet dhe për të ngritur në histori një protagonist të vetëm: atë vetë.
1 350 Lekë 1 500 Lekë
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Referenca: SKU000660

Botuesi: Onufri

Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
900 Lekë 1 000 Lekë
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  • Çmim i zbritur
North and South, Elisabeth Gaskell
  • North and South, Elisabeth Gaskell

North and South, Elisabeth Gaskell

When Margaret Hale is uproted from Hampshire and moves to the industrial town of Milton in the North of England, her whole world changes. As her sympathy for the town’s mill workers grows, her sense of social injustice piques and she passionately fights their corner.  

375 Lekë
338 Lekë Ruaj 10%
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Titulli: North and South
Origjinali: North and South
Gjinia: Roman
Autori: Elisabeth Gaskell
Shtëpia botuese: Collins Classics
Viti: 2011
Fq. 594
Pesha: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 978-0-00-790225-5
Ky libër është në gjuhën shqipe

Detajet e librit
16 libra të tjera në këtë kategori:

Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Orlando, Virginia Woolf

At the midpoint of the novel, Orlando, now an ambassador in Costantinople, awakes to find that he is a woman, and the novel indulges in farce and irony to consider the roles of women in the 18th and 19th centuries.
495 Lekë 550 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert

Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief romantic liaison with another man. Although short-lived, she remains desirous of passion and the finer things in life and embarks on another affair, destroying her reputation.
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Botuesi: Penguin Books

A Confession, Lev Tolstoy

In the course of the essay, Tolstoy shows different attempts to find answers on the examples of science, philosophy, eastern wisdom, and the opinions of his fellow novelists. . . . finding no workable solution in any of these, Tolstoy recognizes the deep religious convictions of ordinary people as containing the key to true answers. 
765 Lekë 850 Lekë
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Botuesi: Penguin Books

Animal farm, George Orwell

Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organised to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges. . .
1 323 Lekë 1 470 Lekë
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Love and Friendship, Jane Austen

Jane Austen is remembered for her six masterpieces of the Regency era: from the heroines of Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Woodhouse, to the villains of Mrs. Norris and John Willoughby. But these characters were not born overnight. They sprung from Austen’s experiences as a young girl, and many early iterations can be found in the earliest of her writing: her...
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Botuesi: Collins Classics

Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

As he tries to free himself from their clutches he becomes immersed in the seedy underbelly of the Capital, amongst criminals, prostitutes and the homeless. Dickens scathing attack on the cruelness of Victorian Society features some of his most memorable and enduring characters, including innocent Oliver himself, the Artful Dodger, Fagin, Bill Sikes and...
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is the classic gothic horror novel which has thrilled and engrossed readers for two centuries. Written by Mary Shelley, it is a story which she intended would ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart.’ The tale is a superb blend of science fiction, mystery and thriller.
540 Lekë 600 Lekë
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Botuesi: Wordsworth Classics

Bleak House, Charles Dickens

But it is his symbolic art that projects these things in a vision that embraces black comedy, cosmic farce, and tragic ruin. In a unique creative experiment, Dickens divides the narrative between his heroine, Esther Summerson, who is psychologically interesting in her own right, and an unnamed narrator whose perspective both complements and challenges hers.
360 Lekë 400 Lekë
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