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  • 3,00 GBP - 20,00 GBP

Referenca: 2804

Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (ebook falas)

"Historia e gruas së fotografit” është emri me të cilin e njohin të gjithë, ato pak herë që e përdorin, por, në të vërtetë, ajo është edhe historia e vetë fotografit, ose më saktë, është historia e teorisë së tij mbi rëndësinë e gjërave të vogla.
0,00 GBP
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Referenca: SKU000001

Botuesi: Mitrush Kuteli

Tregime të moçme shqiptare, Mitrush Kuteli

Përrallat e treguara nga Mitrush Kuteli përbëjnë pjesën më të rëndësishme të letërsisë shqiptare, një frymëzim për një numër të madh veprash të tjera letrare që pasuan përgjatë dekadave. Tregime të Moçme Shqiptare përbën një klasik të të gjitha kohërave.
5,95 GBP
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Referenca: SKU001740

Botuesi: UET Press

Enver Hoxha, Blendi Fevziu

Për shumë vite me radhë Enver Hoxha i imponoi historisë versionin e tij. Ai rezulton i paturpshëm për t'i transformuar ngjarjet, për t'i fshirë ose zhdukur personazhet dhe për të ngritur në histori një protagonist të vetëm: atë vetë.
8,93 GBP
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Referenca: SKU000660

Botuesi: Onufri

Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
8,50 GBP
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  • Marka: Scribner UK
  • Marka: Vintage

Botuesi: Vintage

Psychedelics, Aldous Huxley

In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed. 
5,31 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Adults in the Room, Yanis Varoufakis

Despite the mass support of the Greek people and the simple logic of his arguments, he succeeded only in provoking the fury of Europe’s political, financial and media elite. But the true story of what happened is almost entirely unknown – not least because so much of the EU’s real business takes place behind closed doors.
13,81 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

And The Weak Suffer What They Must?, Yanis Varoufakis

In this startling account of Europe's economic rise and catastrophic fall, Varoufakis pinpoints the flaws in the European Union's design - a design thought up after the Second World War, and one responsible for Europe's fragmentation and resurgence of racist extremism.
12,75 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway

When the couple drift to Spain to the dazzle of the fiesta and the heady atmosphere of the Bullfight, their affair is strained by new passions, new jealousies, and Jake must finally learn that he will never possess the woman that he loves.
9,56 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Money, Yuval Noah Harari

Why does it now have such significance in our lives? Does it make us happier or unhappier? And what does the future hold for it? With brilliant clarity and insight, Yuval Noah Harari takes the reader on a journey from the very first coins through to 21st century economics and shows us how we are all on the brink of a revolution, whether we like it or not.
5,10 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

The heart of a dog, Mikhail Bulgakov

A rich, successful Moscow professor befriends a stray dog and attempts a scientific first by transplanting into it the testicles and pituitary gland of a recently deceased man. 
11,05 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Catch-22, Joseph Heller

Set in the closing months of World War II in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch-22 is the story of a bombardier named Yossarian who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he has never even met keep trying to kill him.
13,81 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Crome Yellow, Aldous Huxley

Jenny, whose partial deafness allows her a role as an observer of the rest, Anne who Denis falls for rather hard but who prefers Gombauld and Mary whose virginity has become a burden she feels she must rid herself of – but who?
8,50 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Austerity, Yanis Varoufakis

 In this rousing book, he charts the absurdities that underpin calls for austerity, as well as his own battles with a bureaucracy bent on ignoring the human cost of its every action. Passionately outspoken and tuned to the voices of the oppressed, Varoufakis presents a guide to modern economics, and its threat to democracy, like no other.
5,95 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

Death in the afternoon, Ernest Hemingway

 Here he describes and explains the technical aspects of this dangerous ritual, and "the emotional and spiritual intensity and pure classic beauty that can be produced by a man, an animal, and a piece of scarlet serge draped on a stick.
7,44 GBP
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Botuesi: Vintage

The testaments, Margaret Atwood

Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third: Aunt Lydia.  Her complex past and uncertain future unfold in surprising and pivotal ways.
12,75 GBP
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