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Henry IV, Part I & Part II, William Shakespeare
  • Henry IV, Part I & Part II, William Shakespeare

Henry IV, Part I & Part II, William Shakespeare

Collins Classics

King Henry IV’s son, Prince Harry is quick-witted yet idle and irresponsible and lives a roguish existence keeping dubious company.

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Title: Henry IV, Part I & Part II 

Original: Henry IV, Part I & Part II

Category: Tragedy

Author: William Shakespeare

Publisher: Collins Classics

Year: 2011

Pgs: 280

Weight: 0.172 kg

ISBN: 978-0-00-790230-9

This book is in English

About the book

‘The better part of valour is discretion.’

King Henry IV’s son, Prince Harry is quick-witted yet idle and irresponsible and lives a roguish existence keeping dubious company. However, when the kingdom is threatened, Prince Harry shows his true worth and heroism and begins a journey of transformation from layabout to noble leader.

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