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The End, Samuel Beckett
  • The End, Samuel Beckett

The End, Samuel Beckett

Penguin Books

'They didn't seem to take much interest in my private parts which to tell the truth were nothing to write home about, I didn't take much interest in them myself.'

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Title: The End

Original: The End

Category: Novel

Author: Samuel Beckett

Publisher: Penguin Books

Year: 2018

Pgs: 55

Weight: 0.048 kg

ISBN: 978-0-241-33897-1

This book is in English

About the books

'They didn't seem to take much interest in my private parts which to tell the truth were nothing to write home about, I didn't take much interest in them myself.'

From the master of the absurd, these two stories of an unnamed vagrant contending with decay and death combine bleakness with the blackest of humour.

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