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Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (free ebook)

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Under the Greenwood Tree, Thomas Hardy
  • Under the Greenwood Tree, Thomas Hardy

Under the Greenwood Tree, Thomas Hardy

Under the Greenwood Tree is Hardy’s most bright, confident and optimistic novel. This delightful portrayal of a picturesque rural society, tinged with gentle humour and quiet irony, established Hardy as a writer.

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Title:Under the Greenwood Tree
Original:Under the Greenwood Tree
Category: Novel
Author: Thomas Hardy
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
Year: 2004
Pgs. 192
Weight: 0.160 kg
This book is in English

About the book

Under the Greenwood Tree is Hardy’s most bright, confident and optimistic novel. This delightful portrayal of a picturesque rural society, tinged with gentle humour and quiet irony, established Hardy as a writer.

However, the novel is not merely a charming rural idyll. The double-plot, in which the love story of Dick Dewey and Fancy Day is inter-related with a tragic chapter in the history of Mellstock Choir, hints at the poignant disappearance of a long-lived and highly-valued traditional way of life.

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