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Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

Spurred by his longing to escape, Winston rebels. He breaks the law by falling in love with Julia, and, as part of the clandestine organization the Brotherhood, they attempt the unimaginable – to bring down the Party.

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Title: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Original: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Category: Novel

Author: George Orwell

Publisher: Macmillan Collector’s Library

Year: 2021

Pgs: 363

Weight: 0.215 kg

ISBN: 978-1-5290-3266-6

This book is in English

About the book

The year is 1984. The country is impoverished and permanently at war, people are watched day and night by Big Brother and their every action and thought is controlled by the Thought Police. Winston Smith works in the department of propaganda, where his job is to rewrite the past. Spurred by his longing to escape, Winston rebels. He breaks the law by falling in love with Julia, and, as part of the clandestine organization the Brotherhood, they attempt the unimaginable – to bring down the Party.

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