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Little Birds, Anaïs Nin
  • Little Birds, Anaïs Nin

Little Birds, Anaïs Nin

Penguin Classics

Anaïs Nin's second volume of erotic short stories after Delta of Venus, Little Birds is broader in scope, encompassing the entire breadth of human sensuality.

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Title: Little Birds
Original: Little Birds
Category: Tregime
Author: Anaïs Nin
Publisher:  Penguin Classics
Year: 2002
Pgs:  144
Weight: 0.180 kg
ISBN: 978-0-141-18340-4
This book is in English

About the book

Anaïs Nin's second volume of erotic short stories after Delta of Venus, Little Birds is broader in scope, encompassing the entire breadth of human sensuality. Each of the 13 stories captures a moment of pure desire, in all its complexity and paradoxical simplicity.

About the author

Anaïs Nin (1903-77), born in Paris, was the daughter of a Franco-Danish singer and a Cuban pianist. Her first book - a defence of D. H. Lawrence - was published in the 1930s. Her prose poem, House of Incest (1936) was followed by the collection of three novellas, collected as Winter of Artifice (1939). In the 1940s she began to write erotica for an anonymous client, and these pieces are collected in Delta of Venus and Little Birds (both published posthumously). During her later years Anaïs Nin lectured frequently at universities throughout the USA, in 1974 and was elected to the United States National Institute of Arts and Letters.

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