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How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division, Elif Shafak
  • How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division, Elif Shafak

How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division, Elif Shafak

Ours is the age of contagious anxiety. We feel overwhelmed by the events around us, by injustice, by suffering, by an endless feeling of crisis. So how can we nurture the parts of ourselves that hope, trust and believe in something better? And how can we stay sane in this age of division?

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Title: How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division

Original: How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division

Category: Novel

Author: Elif Shafak

Publisher: Welcome Collection

Year: 2020

Pgs: 91

Weight: 0.078 kg

ISBN: 978-1-78816-572-3

This book is in English

About the book

Ours is the age of contagious anxiety. We feel overwhelmed by the events around us, by injustice, by suffering, by an endless feeling of crisis. So how can we nurture the parts of ourselves that hope, trust and believe in something better? And how can we stay sane in this age of division?

In this powerful, uplifting plea for conscious optimism, Booker Prize-nominated novelist and activist Elif Shafak draws on her own memories and delves into the power of stories to bring us together. In the process she reveals how listening to each other can nurture democracy, empathy and our faith in a kinder and wiser future.

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