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Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

Duke lexuar "Prillin e thyer" kuptohet lehtësisht përse dhe me çfarë force Ismail Kadare është pasionuar për tragjedinë dhe për dy përfaqësuesit më të shquar të saj, Shekspirin dhe Eskilin. "Miku, besa dhe gjakmarrja janë rrotat e mekanizmit të tragjedisë antike, dhe të futesh në mekanizmin e tyre është të shikosh mundësinë e tragjedisë."
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Spring Flower, Spring Frost, Ismail Kadare
  • Spring Flower, Spring Frost, Ismail Kadare

Spring Flower, Spring Frost, Ismail Kadare


Old terrors are dredged up from the shipwreck of history. And ultra-explosive state secrets are threatening to flood the entire nation. Mark, an artist, finds the peaceful rhythms of his life turned upside down by ancient love and modern barbarism and by the particular brutality of a country surprised and divided by its new freedom.

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Title: Spring Flower, Spring Frost

Original: Lulet e Ftohta të Marsit

Category: Novel

Author: Ismail Kadare

Translated by: David Bellos

Publisher: Vintage

Year: 2007

Pgs: 226

Weight: 0.143 kg

ISBN: 978-0-099-44983-6

This book is in English

About the book

As spring arrives in the Albanian mountain town of B, some strange things are emerging in the thaw. Bank robbers strike the National Bank. Old terrors are dredged up from the shipwreck of history. And ultra-explosive state secrets are threatening to flood the entire nation. Mark, an artist, finds the peaceful rhythms of his life turned upside down by ancient love and modern barbarism and by the particular brutality of a country surprised and divided by its new freedom.

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