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Three Elegies for Kosovo, Ismail Kadare
  • Three Elegies for Kosovo, Ismail Kadare

Three Elegies for Kosovo, Ismail Kadare


 In three short narratives, Kadare shows how legends of betrayal and defeat simmered in European civilisation for six hundred years, culminating in the agony of one tiny population at the end of the twentieth century.

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Title: Three Elegies for Kosovo

Original: Tri këngë zie për Kosovën

Category: Novel

Author: Ismail Kadare

Translated by: Peter Constantine

Publisher: Vintage

Year: 2011

Pgs: 87

Weight: 0.078  kg

ISBN: 978-0-099-56095-1

This book is in English

About the book

It's 28 June 1389, the Field of the Blackbirds. A Christian army made up of Serbs, Bosnians, Albanians and Romanians confront an Ottoman army. In ten hours the battle is over, and the Muslims possess the field; an outcome that has haunted the vanquished ever since. 28 June 1989, the Serb Leader Slobodan Milosevic launches his campaign for a fresh massacre of the Albanians, the majority population of Kosovo. In three short narratives, Kadare shows how legends of betrayal and defeat simmered in European civilisation for six hundred years, culminating in the agony of one tiny population at the end of the twentieth century.

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