Reference: 2804
Reference: 2804
Reference: SKU001694
Publisher: Vellezerit Tafa
Reference: SKU000001
Publisher: Mitrush Kuteli
Reference: SKU001740
Publisher: UET Press
Reference: SKU000660
Publisher: Onufri
Hunters, wives, old men of wisdom, waiters, fighters, women loved, women lost: they are all here, living on the raw edge, making love, facing the inevitable reality of death.
Title: Winner Take Nothing
Original: Winner Take Nothing
Category: Novel
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Publisher: Arrow Books
Year: 2006
Pgs: 176
Weight: 0.120 kg
ISBN: 978-0-099-90970-5
This book is in English
About the book
Written when Hemingway was at the height of his creative powers, the stories in Winner Take Nothing glow with the mark of his unique talent.
Hunters, wives, old men of wisdom, waiters, fighters, women loved, women lost: they are all here, living on the raw edge, making love, facing the inevitable reality of death.
The characters, the dialogue, the settings, the remarkable insight could have come only from Hemingway's imagination. As an introduction to his work, or as an overview of the themes he developed at greater length in his novels, it is a stunningly successful collection. From one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.
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Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
Publisher: Vintage
Publisher: Arrow Books
Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
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Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Vintage
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
Publisher: Collins Classics
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Publisher: Vintage
Publisher: Vintage