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Jacob's Room, Virginia Woolf
  • Jacob's Room, Virginia Woolf

Jacob's Room, Virginia Woolf

Collins Classics

The narrative traces Jacob’s childhood in Cornwall and his education at Cambridge, culminating in an evocative portrait of his adult life in London and abroad.

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Title: Jacob's Room
Original: Jacob's Room
Category: Novella
Author: Virginia Woolf
Publisher: Collins Classics
Year: 2013
Pgs: 224
Weight: 0.150 kg
ISBN: 978-0-00-792552-0
This book is in English

About the book

JACOB’S ROOM, Virginia Woolf’s third novel, marks her first foray into Modernist experimentation. The narrative traces Jacob’s childhood in Cornwall and his education at Cambridge, culminating in an evocative portrait of his adult life in London and abroad. Jacob is romantically torn between the artistic Florinda, the upper-middle-class Clara Durrant and the beautiful, but married, Sandra Wentworth Williams. This tissue of romance, though, is torn apart by the cataclysmic events of the First World War. Woolf poignantly depicts the life of Jacob through a sequence of alternating perspectives that combine letters, fragments of dialogue and the ephemeral impressions of those nearest to him. Jacob’s voice becomes the absent centre of one of Modernism’s first great novels.

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