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A little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • A little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett

A little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett

Collins Classics

Sent to board at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for Young Ladies, Sara is devastated when her adored father dies. Suddenly penniless, Sara is banished to an attic room where she is starved, abused, and forced to work as a servant. How this exceptionally intelligent girl uses the only resources available to her, imagination and friendship, to overcome her situation and change her fortunes is at the centre of this enduring classic.

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Title: A little Princess

Original: A little Princess

Category: Novel

Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Publisher: Collins Classics

Year: 2014

Pgs: 240

Weight: 0.145 kg

ISBN: 978-0-00-755795-0

This book is in English

About the book

‘Whatever comes,’ she said, ‘cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside.’

‘A Little Princess’ tells the story of Sara Crewe, beloved daughter of the revered Captain Crewe. Sent to board at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for Young Ladies, Sara is devastated when her adored father dies. Suddenly penniless, Sara is banished to an attic room where she is starved, abused, and forced to work as a servant. How this exceptionally intelligent girl uses the only resources available to her, imagination and friendship, to overcome her situation and change her fortunes is at the centre of this enduring classic.

First published in 1905, ‘A Little Princess’ is a heart-warming tale of hope, hardship and love set against a backdrop of Victorian England, and is one of the best-loved stories in all of children’s literature.

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