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The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett

Collins Classics

Neglected and uncherished, she is horribly lonely, until one day she discovers a walled garden in the grounds that has been kept locked for years. When Mary finds the key to the garden and shares it with two unlikely companions, she opens up a world of hope, and as the garden blooms, Mary and her friends begin to find a new joy in life.

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Title: The Secret Garden

Original: The Secret Garden

Category: Novel

Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Publisher: Collins Classics

Year: 2013

Pgs: 270

Weight: 0.163 kg

ISBN: 978-0-00-735106-0

This book is in English

About the book

After the sudden death of her wealthy parents, spoilt Mary Lennox is sent from India to live with her uncle in the austere Misselthwaite Manor on the Yorkshire Moors. Neglected and uncherished, she is horribly lonely, until one day she discovers a walled garden in the grounds that has been kept locked for years. When Mary finds the key to the garden and shares it with two unlikely companions, she opens up a world of hope, and as the garden blooms, Mary and her friends begin to find a new joy in life.

Serialised in 1910 and first published in its entirety in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s enchanting novel of friendship and rejuvenation is one of the greatest classics of children’s literature.

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