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Gruaja e fotografit, Enkelejd Lamaj (free ebook)

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Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

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The Trumpet-Major, Thomas Hardy
  • The Trumpet-Major, Thomas Hardy

The Trumpet-Major, Thomas Hardy

He interweaves a compelling, bitter-sweet romantic love story of the rivalry of two brothers for the hand of the heroine Anne Garland, played out against the loves of a lively gallery of other characters.

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Title:The Trumpet-Major
Original:The Trumpet-Major
Category: Novel
Author:Thomas Hardy
Publisher: Wordsworth Classics
Year: 2002
Pgs. 288
Weight: 0.210 kg
ISBN: 9781853262463
This book is in English

About the book

Thomas Hardy’s only historical novel, The Trumpet Major is set in Wessex during the Napoleonic Wars. Hardy skilfully immerses us in the life of the day, making us feel the impact of historical events on the immemorial local way of life – the glamour of the coming of George III and his soldiery, fears of the press-gang and invasion, and the effect of distant but momentous events like the Battle of Trafalgar.

He interweaves a compelling, bitter-sweet romantic love story of the rivalry of two brothers for the hand of the heroine Anne Garland, played out against the loves of a lively gallery of other characters. While there are elements of sadness and even tragedy, The Trumpet-Major shows Hardy’s skills of story-telling, characterisation and description in a novel of vitality, comedy and warmth.

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