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Reference: 2804
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Reference: SKU000001
Publisher: Mitrush Kuteli
Reference: SKU001694
Publisher: Vellezerit Tafa
Reference: SKU001740
Publisher: UET Press
Reference: SKU000660
Publisher: Onufri
I am ultimately as unknown to myself, as you are to yourself. We are each like unsolved puzzles that are longing to be found and solved. We are each like empty scripts that are waiting to be written upon, poems that are screaming to be composed or lyrics yet to be sung.
Title: It is you searching for you
Category: Poetry
Author: Ilda Dashi
Publisher: First Print Edition
Year: 2017
Pgs: 296
I am ultimately as unknown to myself, as you are to yourself. We are each like unsolved puzzles that are longing to be found and solved. We are each like empty scripts that are waiting to be written upon, poems that are screaming to be composed or lyrics yet to be sung.
Our beings are like questions that need to becontemplated upon and sough out: discoveries yet to be made. We are each ancient quests to be embarked upon. We are each on a search for the sake of discovering our own beings!
We search for ourselves as we dance into distant horizons or sparkling galaxies. We search for ourselves in those spaces we are afraid to go but that belong to our souls. We were born to taste our own hearts and rise above our inner programming. We have the power to break free of the conditioning that floods our minds as a result of destructive patterns we've inherited in our lives, generation after generation. In deciding to liberate ourselves from it, we free our ancestors as well.
Yes. I urge you to start your own search for this freedom, just as I am starting mine. It is the search to come back to yourself: to be whoever you are! Even with all your scars from the past, your music is still only yours, for only you can sing your song and no one else. So release your spirit and let it sing all the songs you carry within yourself: songs of the past, the present and the future. Our spirits desperately need to be heard and recognized
Being a nobody
We are nobody and we are everybody
simultaneously. The more we try to be somebody
the more we lose track of who we really are deep
within. If we stop trying to be somebody at all
costs, what we are emerges from the depths of our
soul. Eventually we will come to realize that we are
not anyone, but only pretended to be someone.
Nobody's Here
You know what?
I am also scared sometimes,
but who isn't?
We are all little children,
sometimes lost,
sometimes found again.
You know?
I also doubt myself at times,
I also have thousands of questions,
I also get insane sometimes when no one is looking.
You know?
I am nobody.
So are you.
We pretend that we are but deep down we are not,
only Life is.
One life.
The many masks of the self
We are many selves inside, not only one. We are
like accumulated dust that comes from empty roads
of a lost childhood or from roots of a wounded
adulthood. Yet in the chaos of these many voices
of many selves, we are one at the silent center of
our being.
The Many Selves Inside of Me
How many selves are there inside of me?
I see them all changing their faces,
putting on their own masks
in order to look like perfect mantles.
Why do I hide behind so many facets and personalities?
Am I not enough in being just one, unchanging me ?
Why do I feel sometimes,
that the people all around—
strangers of family—
all reflect the many aspects of me?
Happy, joyful, playful,
serious, complaining, sick and all,
they all represent a repressed part of me,
or a hidden part of myself that I don't want to see.
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