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Reference: 2804
Reference: 2804
Reference: SKU000001
Publisher: Mitrush Kuteli
Reference: SKU001694
Publisher: Vellezerit Tafa
Reference: SKU001740
Publisher: UET Press
Reference: SKU000660
Publisher: Onufri
Duke huazuar titullin e këtij romani nga Bibla, nga historia e vëllezërve Kain dhe Abel (Cain and Abel), britaniku Jeffrey Archer na risjell nëpërmjet një drame njerëzore, historinë e dy djemve që lindin në dy anë të ndryshme të botës.
Title: Keini dhe Abeli
Original: Kane and Abel
Category: Novel
Author: Jeffrey Archer
Albanian translator: Enklajd Malo, Kristo Qendro
Publisher: Ombra GVG
Year: 2014
Pgs. 736
Weight: 0.806 kg.
ISBN: 978-9928-06-078-5
Short guide in Albanian on how to order books in 4 easy steps
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Publisher: Bota Shqiptare
Publisher: Dituria
Publisher: Bota Shqiptare
Publisher: Fan Noli
Publisher: Botimet Dudaj
Publisher: Fan Noli
Reference: SKU001075
Publisher: Dituria
Publisher: Aleph
Publisher: Botimet Dudaj
Publisher: Fan Noli
Reference: SKU001490
Publisher: Bota Shqiptare
Publisher: OMBRA GVG
Publisher: Pegi
Reference: 2896
Publisher: Toena
Reference: 2968
Publisher: Botimet Dudaj
Reference: SKU000071
Publisher: Botimet Dudaj
Reference: 2171
Publisher: Botimet Dudaj
Reference: 2521
Publisher: Tirana Times
Publisher: OMBRA GVG
Publisher: OMBRA GVG