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Prilli i thyer, Ismail Kadare

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Pulp, Charles Bukowski
  • Pulp, Charles Bukowski

Pulp, Charles Bukowski

Nicky Belane, private detective and career alcoholic, is a troubled man. He is plagued not just by broads, booze, lack of cash and a raging ego, but also by the surreal jobs he's been hired to do. Not only has been hired to track down French classical author Celine - who's meant to be dead - but he's also supposed to find the elusive Red Sparrow - which may or may not be real.

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Title: Pulp

Original: Pulp

Category: Charles Bukowski

Author: Novel

Publisher: Virgin Books

Year: 2009

Pgs: 175

Weight: 0.143 kg

ISBN: 978-0-7535-1817-5

This book is in English

About the book

Charles Bukowski's brilliant, fantastical pastiche of a detective story. Packed with wit, invention and Bukowski's trademark lowlife adventures, it is the final novel of one of the most enjoyable and influential cult writers of the last century.

Nicky Belane, private detective and career alcoholic, is a troubled man. He is plagued not just by broads, booze, lack of cash and a raging ego, but also by the surreal jobs he's been hired to do. Not only has been hired to track down French classical author Celine - who's meant to be dead - but he's also supposed to find the elusive Red Sparrow - which may or may not be real.

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