Knowledge and Human Interests, Jürgen Habermas
  • Knowledge and Human Interests, Jürgen Habermas

Knowledge and Human Interests, Jürgen Habermas

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Habermas describes Knowledge and Human Interests as an attempt to reconstruct the prehistory of modern positivism with the intention of analysing the connections between knowledge and human interests.

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Title: Knowledge and Human Interests
Original: Knowledge and Human Interests
Category: Philosophy
Author: Jürgen Habermas
Publisher: Polity Press
Year: 2007
Pgs: 395
Weight: 0.522 kg
ISBN: 978-0-7456-0459-6
This book is in English

About the book

Habermas describes Knowledge and Human Interests as an attempt to reconstruct the prehistory of modern positivism with the intention of analysing the connections between knowledge and human interests. Convinced of the increasing historical and social importance of the natural and behavioural sciences, Habermas makes clear how crucial it is to understand the central meanings and justifications of these sciences. He argues that for too long the relationship between philosophy and science has been distorted.

In this extraordinarily wide-ranging book, Habermas examines the principal positions of modern philosophy - Kantianism, Marxism, positivism, pragmatism, hermeneutics, the philosophy of science, linguistic philosophy and phenomenology - to lay bare the structure of the processes of enquiry that determine the meaning and the validity of all our statements which claim objectivity.

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